[at-l] An Inconvenient Truth / a complete list/not!/So!!

Shane Steinkamp shane at theplacewithnoname.com
Mon Jul 10 20:15:44 CDT 2006

> How about a massive reduction in the numbers of homo sapiens sapiens over
the next 200
> years?   I kind of like that, actually.   300,000 world human population,
yeah, that's the
> ticket!

That was actually my point.

Global Warming isn't the problem.  It's a symptom of the problem.

The truth is, though, that we aren't hurting the planet at all.  We're
simply making it unlivable for us, and so we run around like heads with our
chickens cut off wondering what the heck to do about it.

All we really need is to die-off a few billion of us, and the planet will
recover nicely.

There isn't anything on the planet that isn't the planet.

Most people seem to miss that for some reason.


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