[at-l] Fw: Roanoke Times piece on the AT

Sloetoe sloetoe at yahoo.com
Tue Oct 31 11:49:43 CST 2006

> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "Mr. Roger B. Holnback "
> <rholnback at westernvirginialandtrust.org>

> http://www.roanoke.com/news/wb/88470
### Trust the press to screw it up.

### Somehow, I suspect that there are plenty of people
on this list who see no necessary contradiction
between being advocates of the AT and being against
"sprawl, pollution, traffic, [higher] home prices, [or
{bless us!} lower] energy costs."

"The National Association of Home Builders and the
Competitive Enterprise Institute, a Washington, D.C.,
think tank that advocates a free-market approach to
environmental policy, say people should have the right
to live where they want without excessive government
regulations that worsen sprawl, pollution, traffic,
home prices and energy costs.

Appalachian Trail advocates believe otherwise."

### Yeah, baby! Gimme that sprawl! I wants traffic!
And of course, building a home along the AT will have
horrible effects on energy costs...

### (So who wrote this drivel, anyway?)

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