[at-l] cohos redux

Sloetoe sloetoe at yahoo.com
Tue Feb 6 15:54:14 CST 2007

For those who'd like permission to bushwhack...


T H E   C O H O S   T R E K K E R
The electronic newsletter of The Cohos Trail

Human¹s have debated as long as humankind has walked
the surface of this small planet about the possibility
of life after life­­a second 
go-¹round, another level, a higher plane, a new
dwelling house for the soul, one last chance to get
one¹s act together...not that I ever will. The Cohos 
Trail Association, I am happy to report, is
reorganizing so that it is a stronger entity with an
enhanced mission.

Recently, The Cohos Trail Association closed the
162-mile long trail system for the 2007 hiking season.
But that did not sit well with a whole host of
people. Good citizens began writing and calling,
trying to breath new life into the beast. They

Today I can report that The Cohos Trail Association
(TCTA) will reorganize with an emphasis on managing
the big footpath system from Coos County, not from my
desktop in far off Spofford, NH.  ...

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