[at-l] Maintainerous question...

Felix J athiker at smithville.net
Fri Feb 16 21:08:48 CST 2007

Hey...I was remind on my recent hike in PA of something I've wondered 
about for a long time. Maybe some of you maintainer-types know the 
answer to this.  In the event that there is a log laying across the 
trial, why do maintainers sometime cut halfway down in two places and 
then (I assume) plunge cut between the two cuts...therby making, 
essentially, a big notch...which is where hikers step thru/across the 
log? It'd have to be easier to just make two vertical cuts all the way 
thru the log and then have one piece to roll out of the way. What is the 
logik doing the 'halfway twice and cut between' method?

Felix J. McGillicuddy
ME-->GA '98
"Your Move"
ALT '03 KT '03

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