[at-l] Gear List - for March **BFT** OT

Sloetoe sloetoe at yahoo.com
Sun Jan 14 18:37:53 CST 2007

-- Russ Drake <russ_a_drake at yahoo.com> wrote:
### Only able to reply briefly, but here's two quick
>     I am going on a BP trip in March in the Black
> Forest Trail (BFT) here in PA and I am trying to
> minimize my gear all the while trying to think of
> staying warm while in camp.
### You need to be prepared for it all, unfortunately
-- which means from 60*F down to 0*F, and pouring rain
and driving sneaux. There's just no way to safely do
an extended trip without having the extremes onboard,
and a PA March is extreme.
>     Another issue is that there is going to be a few
> stream crossings... I know how to do this in the mid
> summer hikes .. but I never tried this in March ...
> I am thinking of slipping into my croc's and slip
> across as quickly as possible.
### Sounds like a great idea. I just did a trail
yesterday with a dozen over-ankle crossings in 10
miles -- you'll get used to it.

BTW, if temps drop, leave the filter and larger H2O
storage stuff at home -- they'll be worse than useless
in 12 hours.


Spatior! Nitor! Nitor! Tempero!
   Pro Pondera Et Meliora.

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