[at-l] From one day to the next

Linda Patton lpatton at mailer.fsu.edu
Sun Mar 4 14:54:51 CST 2007

   One day its' Winter with a captital W -- cool-to-cold, no sweat, no bugs. 
Lovely.  Then the next day I'm sweating like a pig and it's running in my 
eyes.  I'm swatting at bugs, and the poison ivy is reaching out for me. 
Today I'm sitting here itching and puffy-eyed, having plucked off a tick 
when I got back from trail work, and having somehow gotten poison ivy oil 
on my face--up one cheek and across my eye.  Oh yeah...and I'm itching 
from a dozen or so mosquito bites.  Which brings me to something I've been 
meaning to ask:  If you use fabric softener dryer sheets to ward off bugs, 
will the unscented kind work, or do they have to be scented (the sheets, 
not the bugs!)?  
	~~ eArThbittenworm

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