[at-l] Anniversary

Sloetoe sloetoe at yahoo.com
Tue May 15 12:38:57 CDT 2007

--- Mark Hudson <mvhudson at gmail.com> wrote:

> Belatedly realizing that yesterday was the 15th
> anniversary of my start at Springer. Ironically Bill
O' and I were standing in the Iron Masters Mansion
(where we first met on that hike)... I told him that
time is going to fast, that for a long time after my
hike I was saying that "I hiked a couple of years
ago", then realized that "5" wasn't a couple anymore.
And the next ten went way too fast. Might be time for
another thru... <sigh>
> skeeter

### Wow -- skeeter sent this on March 26th.....
Anywho, a couple of years ago, Stitches and I were
hiking northbound through the Smokys over
Thanksgiving, greeting near-finished SOBOs with
regularity. She'd get into a conversation with them,
mention "Yeah, I hiked in 2000" and then they'd
politely turn to me. I'd say something like "Oh, I
hiked awhile ago." Really? Like when? Oh, well, when
were you born? And they'd say, and I'd have to come
out with something like "Well, you were about 2 years

### Of course, that was then[!]. NOW, I get to say
(UGH.) "You weren't born yet." Mannnnn, that's a


(So lets's see: May 15th,... I was halfway between Hot
Springs and Damascus, trying to catch up from my (it
seemed to me) hike-ending 10 day banking delay. My toe
was huge, painful, and took a lot of time every
morning, but as soon as it was in the boot, I was
safe. But the colors coming out of it are scary, and I
have lost sight of the nail......)

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