[at-l] Crackdown on mooning the train

Sloetoe sloetoe at yahoo.com
Thu Nov 15 12:40:52 CST 2007

--- Slyatpct at aol.com wrote:

> I imagine new trail names are in order.  Dropped
> Trou, Hairy  Butt, Pink 
> Cheeks, Caught Mooning, Dances with Feds...  any
> other  suggestions? Sly

Moondance   (resisted arrest)
Blue Moon   (arrested on cold day)
Moonbat     (sought escape uphill)
Moonboots   (leaned way the hell over)
Mooncheese  (too disgusting even for the internet, 
             but was let go by the authorities)

"Back to work, you!"

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