[at-l] Thank You Gifts...

Richard Mann yugrekih at yahoo.com
Sat Sep 8 13:35:12 CDT 2007

Thank You Gifts

Wingfoot has given more than 60,000 hours of volunteer service to the A.T. community over the past 25 years, working sometimes 18-20 hours a day for months at a time, year after year, to provide dependable information and services to A.T. hikers, and he has been available to help hikers and their families 24/7 for longer than anyone can remember. In addition, he has put more than $450,000 of his own money into providing services for the A.T. hiking community, and has funded Trail-protection efforts that are directly responsible for preserving many miles of the A.T. and its associated lands for future generations. Millions of hikers have benefited from Wingfoot's work for them over the years. Now it's time for the A.T. community to say "Thank You" to him for the many lasting contributions he has made to the A.T. and its community over the past quarter century. Gifts and comments of appreciation are being collected for presentation to Wingfoot at a
 farewell party on September 27th. Won't you join us in showing your appreciation?--Friends of Wingfoot
You can use a credit card to send a gift of appreciation by clicking below:


Well wishes and thank-you notes may be sent to:

Wingfoot Farewell Party
1800 Brandy Woods Trail SE
Conyers, GA 30013

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