[at-l] Help?!

Felix J athiker at smithville.net
Fri Feb 8 18:35:01 CST 2008

Linda Patton wrote:
> Not a better memory, maybe better research skills.  :-)
> I believe it was Bachelor Bob (Paul Palm),

It's kinda funny that this came up today. I had one of his 'rockers' in 
my hand last night ('Thru-hiker') and almost asked the list if anyone 
knew what happened to him. Had I, Skeeter wouldn't've had to ask his 

Now...listen to this:

I went to a casino today. It is about an hour and a half from here. I'm 
sitting at a roulette wheel, talking to the complete stranger next to 
me. Here's the conversation:

Him: Where you from?
Me: Bloomington.
(gamble gamble)
Him: Where do you work?
Me: (pausing...sighing)  I work for Mellencamp
Him: Oh, my sister's been to his house.
Me: What's her name?
Him: Mary
Me: Hmmm. Why would she have been there?
Him: I don't know.
Me: Where does she work?
Him: Lowes
Me: Is her birthday April 6th?
Him: Holy shit!

Now, what are the chances of me sitting down at a roulette wheel 60-some 
miles from home, next to a complete stranger, and know his sister's 
birthday...and, not only did I know her birthday, I know her cell 
number, too. 

Ahhh....crazy days. 

Felix J. McGillicuddy
ME-->GA '98
"Your Move"
ALT '03 KT '03

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