[at-l] PA Ruck line-up

Felix J athiker at smithville.net
Sun Jan 13 10:32:09 CST 2008

Marsha Lee wrote:
> Excellent idea - but the problem is this....who is going to wash dishes. There are already a lot of dishes to be washed as it is: pots, pans, lids, utensils and then you have the dishes that attendees bring containing their food donation. 
> Even if everyone washed their own, this takes up room and time as well. We have 2 sinks going and there is still tons of work to be done. Not complaining, just a big FYI.

How long does it take to wash a plate and fork? And, after you've done 
that, drop them off at your bunk. Kinda sad if a bunch of grown hikers 
can't rinse off their own dishes and put them away.

> Folks are not going to just stand in line waiting to wash their items. People want to eat and go onto other things. After dinner, most everyone attends presentations...

Yeah, presentations on LNT as their styrofoam cups head to the landfill 
that used to be a woods that was cut to make paper plates.  If somebody 
at the Ruck doesn't have 20 seconds to rinse their dishes, I'll do it 
for them. 

Felix J. McGillicuddy
ME-->GA '98
"Your Move"
ALT '03 KT '03

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