[at-l] packing meds

Leslie Booher lbooher at charter.net
Wed Jul 30 07:58:28 CDT 2008

The only time I've ever had any problem with my meds in zip-lock bags is when I took them to the hospital when I was having a knee replacement.  <G>  The nurse said that they couldn't dispense my own drugs unless they were in original packaging, so they substituted meds from their own pharmacy.  They didn't arrest me or anything.  Every little old lady in America travels with her meds in a 7 compartment pop-top dispenser.  I just flew to Dallas, and no one said anything about my zip-lock bags.  If you're worried about moisture, drop a silica gel pack in the outter bag.  I keep one in my toilet paper pkg and another in the bag with my journal.  I know that they're weight that doesn't do double duty, but it's worth it for the moisture control.  a'bear
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