[at-l] just another day...

Michael Henderson MichaelH at ospreypacks.com
Tue Sep 16 16:19:46 CDT 2008

>>>   Pokey and I got a ride to Lyme Center and got some snacks, or 
something. ...   I have no idea where Cake was during this. 
(Cake, where were you during this?) We spent the night at Trapper John.   <<<

I had no idea where you were during this, either.
I had been hiking behind you 'cos of my twisted ankle, and got to the last road before Trapper John.  I thought "snacks" and I think I walked to a store?  Not sure how I ended up with root beer and Fritos, to be honest.

So I thought, it sure will be nice to roll into the shelter full of my hiking buddies and enjoy these snacks, as I headed up to Trapper John.  It was empty.  And silent.  And damp.  It was a lonely root beer and Fritos, but it sure tasted good.  I don't like root beer that much, nor Fritos, but for the duration of my directing Felix' hike, it seems I drank/ate them together all the time.

Patch, Stoat, Pokey and Felix rolled in a little later, and all was made clear, though clearly not clear enough to remember it clearly ten years on.

Ke Kaahawe
AT92 TYT94 LT01

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