[at-l] and....another thing

Michael Henderson MichaelH at ospreypacks.com
Mon Mar 15 14:31:11 CDT 2010

This name sounds REALLY familiar, and I can't figure out why.  I may have met him on the trail?  Or he's probably associated with the PCTA in some way?  Or he's in someone's book?  Or he wrote a book?

If someone else knows why I know him, please let me know...

Ke Kaahawe

Felix writ:

I was talking to my good buddy Sundown last night. He is in California
and met a '77 PCT thru-hiker named Greg "Strider" Hummel.   anybody know

Felix J. McGillicuddy
ME-->GA '98
"Your Move"
ALT '03 KT '03

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