[Cdt-l] Cdt-l Digest, Vol 27, Issue 25

sidselliott at aol.com sidselliott at aol.com
Thu Dec 17 11:22:01 CST 2009

I certainly don't want to scare anyone in regards to stream crossings, but  
I am 5'll, and had a bad crossing in the San Juans.  I used all the proper  
techniques, but somehow left out good judgement.  I knew the water was too  
fast and high, but it I was tired, it was late in the day, and I saw good  
campsites on the other side of the stream.  You are welcome to check out  
the journal entry below for that day.  I also had two friends that bailed  the 
previous year in WY due to "impassable streams."
That said, I think if you are patient, use good judgement, and take your  
time, you can probably find a place to pass safely in many instances.  In  
some cases you probably have to be willing to take long detours if  necessary. 
 I've crossed streams like the one above, and had no  problems.  The 
difference was that I was patient, not tired, and  searched for a safe place to 
Every year is probably different, and every hiker (tall and not so tall)  
will probably give you a different answer, depending on conditions in a  
particular year.
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