[Cdt-l] harassment of hikers

ks1007 at aol.com ks1007 at aol.com
Sat Oct 31 02:39:56 CDT 2009

I'd like to add my 2 cents worth to jonathan's and ron's entries
this year we have had about 21 thru hikers north and southbound come through on the columbus route - ron is the only one to have any problems - he was on a county road in the middle of nowhere and a rancher rolls up on him - he was not on the trail - of course, the rancher is going to be curious as to what you are doing there - in southern new mexico many ranchers lease BLM (federal) land - the ranchers think they own the land they are leasing - they don't - don't let this isolated incident scare you away from doing the columbus route - if you do run into a disgruntled rancher try to find out what ranch he is from and let me know - I will go out there and talk with them - like I said earlier this is one person out of 21- if you stay on the trail you are in the middle of nowhere and most likely will not be seen - one of the ranchers this past spring invited 2 nobo's to his house for dinner
any questions? 
trail angel
deming, NM
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