[pct-l] The ADZ, then and now.

Tom Reynolds tomreynolds_ilan at yahoo.com
Thu Mar 15 15:02:12 CDT 2007

Since it was me who conceived the ADZPCTKO, I will respond to various posts.
  I have no idea if ADZ actually created the “Herd” but in fact ADZ was designed to create a herd for those who wanted to hike in a herd. Prior to the first ADZ there were several postings on the PCT-L concerning interaction between illegal immigrants and backpackers. Several prospective backpackers, largely women, were concerned. Therefore I designed the ADZ to create a herd so that thruhikers concerned with this problem would be able to hike in a group and increase their safety.
  My view about the current “clump” or “herd” debate is that people clump because they want to. Scott asks “Why would anybody want to start a wilderness experience in a gathering of 600 people?” Good question. I wouldn’t but the thruhikers do because they want to. After all, they have a choice. They aren’t forced to attend the ADZ or to hike with the attendees. Yet it is clear they do by choice and the real question is: Why?
  My view about thruhiking, then and now, is that a thruhike is a social event, not a wilderness event for many people. Reading the journals and reviewing the posted photographs of thruhikers both before and after the first ADZ, it appeared to me that a thruhike is a “sprint from town to town where all could gather for an all-you-can-eat food fest that desirably pissed off the proprietor.” What was important to thruhikers was the interaction between other thruhikers as evidenced by their photographs, largely of people not scenery and their journals which recorded their burning desire to reach town as opposed to camping on the trail and enjoy the wilderness and recorded food fests not waterfalls. The goal seems to be finishing the trail as opposed to enjoying the wilderness and the wilderness seems to be seen largely as a desirable barrier between the thruhiking community and the community at large. To a great extent a thruhike seemed to be a withdrawal from the normal
 community and the entry into a different, thruhiking community where the rules were different. 
  In summary, I don’t think that the ADZ creates an undesirable effect for the majority of thruhikers. ADZ may well effect more clumping in the first couple of sections of the trail but has largely no effect on the multitude of clumps at and past Kennedy Meadows.
  Not that we cared. The original organizers were people who are inclined to do exactly what they think is correct. There were objections then as they are now. Our attitude was if you don’t want to come, don’t come. And, if you think the water stash defeats the right-of-passage that was the San Felipe Hills then don’t take the water. Frankly, I’ve always liked a good party. If you don’t, don’t go.

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