[pct-l] Olancha Peak Section F

Phil Baily pbaily at webuniverse.net
Sun Nov 4 18:00:25 CST 2007

Aren't you talking about part of Section G?


At 02:53 PM 11/4/07, Shutterbug steiner wrote:
>Instead of moaning about the closures of all the forests in SoCal 
>because of the wildfires I headed North and about 7 miles of my trek 
>was on the PCT.  Started at Sage Brush South of the town of Olancha 
>and then junctioned with  the PCT just after the pass.   Here we 
>found some VERY confusing PCT signs.  Ends up being that we were at 
>a junction of two spur trails about a mile from the real PCT but 
>both of the signs pointed in opposite direction with the PCT 
>emblem.  Had hiked this section in 06 and enjoyed remembering some 
>of the nice vistas and intereting rock formations.:
>The tread of the PCT was well designed with good water bars  BUT one 
>can tell that the trail crews have not been here in a while.  On the 
>PCT there was only two large downed trees that were easily navigated 
>around.   The encroaching sage brush was terrible and if something 
>is not done the trail will be tough to follow in the next 
>years.  You can tell that the SoCal trail gorrilas traditionally 
>stop at KM.   This area is little used by non PCT hikers and not 
>very accessable via road thus the lack of good brush cutting.
>Great day in the wilds and a good to get back on familiar ground.
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