[pct-l] The Ultimate PCT Map on the Web

Denis Stanton denisstanton at mac.com
Thu Sep 6 00:42:21 CDT 2007

On 6/09/2007, at 9:26 AM, Paul Magnanti wrote:

>  That reminds me of what my old company did for me when I was on  
> the CDT:
> http://www.indra.com/wheresmags/
> I'd e-mail my lat/long and a program would automatically plug in  
> the co-ords and place it on the google map.
> Pretty cool.

Yes, cool indeed.

If you want to relive the experience of the PCT you can see a similar  
track I am building for my son SunWalker's PCT hike.  He's currently  
in Washington with about two weeks to go.

This page     http://pct2007.org/wp-map.php      shows a map similar  
to the one you produced last year.  The links on the right side to  
'Photos' and 'Trail' download .kmz files which open up in Google  
Earth to give an up-to-date trace on where he has been so far.  He's  
carrying a GPS recorder that notes his position every minute.  He  
mails me these logs and I convert them and place them on a web site.

I see from recent discussion on this site that not everyone wants to  
tell people where they have been.  That's fine for some, but for  
SunWalker and his family and workmates it's great to be able to  
follow along

Denis Stanton

Denis Stanton
denisstanton at mac.com

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