[pct-l] PCT Atlas

Eric Lee (GAMES) elee at microsoft.com
Fri Dec 26 13:33:52 CST 2008

Robert wrote:
I'm just sad that there is so much information about the trail.
My first time through I was half lost most of the time wondering if I was going to
make it to the next town. Twenty five years later (my second time through) that
feeling of adventure was almost completely gone with the pct guide books.

You just have a different sense of adventure than some, which is fine.  Some people like to hike half-lost where each turn of the trail unveils new unexpected adventures.  Others like to feel more in control of the situation.  Neither is better than the other, I think.  It's a good thing that all these guides and maps aren't *required* to be in your possession.  The only thing you have to have is your PCTA thru-hiking permit, and I guess even that is optional if you want to deal with individual permits for various management areas.


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