[pct-l] PCT Closed from Quincy-LaPorte Road to Chester-Fires

Lawton Grinter lawtong at hotmail.com
Tue Jul 1 17:19:29 CDT 2008

Hi All,

Disco here.  P.O.D. and I hiked into Quincy-LaPorte Road (Milepoint 1235.6)
 on June 30th to find a USFS sign on a tree stating that the trail was closed
 from there north to Belden-HWY 70.  

We hitched into Quincy and went straight to the USFS office to get info.  The
 info we got is that there are currently 36 fires burning on the Plumas
 National Forest between Quincy-LaPorte Road and Belden which are all part
 of the Canyon Complex Fire and that the PCT is closed in this section

Belden to Hwy 36-Chester is also closed due to fires as of today.  

So basically Milepoint 1235.6 - 1335.8 is closed due to active fires at the
 moment.  100 miles worth of trail!  Ouch.

We were able to take a bus from Quincy to Chester for $3 and will resume
 our PCT hike north out of Hwy 36 this evening.  Hopefully we will make it to
 the Heitman's without running into another trail closure!

California is burning.

I hope this info helps hikers heading into this section.

One other thing . . . it took us 3 hours to get a hitch into Quincy . . . during that time only 5 cars went by us!  It would probably be easier to hitch from Sierra City to Chester than to do it from the deserted Quincy-LaPorte Road.

Best, Disco

lawton grinter

PO Box 941

Crested Butte, CO  81224


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