[pct-l] Great News For Back Packers...''Switchback's Powerd by Alcohol Theory.''

Reinhold Metzger reinholdmetzger at cox.net
Sat Jul 5 12:09:34 CDT 2008

Naah Switchback,
I'm getting to old for this ''extreme'' stuff...I was 62-63 back in 
2003-2004....but you, you are still young and can bring the
Unsupported JMT back to the PCT crowd with your ''powered by alcohol 
At 41 miles per gallon you only need to drink 1.25 gallons to do 50 mile 
days, which will be sufficient to bring the record home.

BTW...My test of your theory, on the 4th of July, did not go so well...I 
made the mistake of filling up the tank and drinking the whole gallon at 
the start and never made it out of the gate.
I think one needs to drink a little at a time as one goes along.

JMT Reinhold


Hiker97 wrote:
> Unsupported Reinhold writes: You mean we could leave behind the pots & 
> the pans, the stove & the fuel, the food & the water, the purification 
> & filtration devises and the bear canisters and do 41 mile days on 
> just one gallon of our favorite booze? This is dynamite...and we would 
> never be at risk of dehydration because we would be on a liquid diet, 
> drinking plenty and singing all the way.
> ----------------------------------------------------
> Switchback replies: I want you to try to retake the JMT record with no 
> food or water.  Just Jack Daniel's.  I will see you off and be there 
> when and if you finish at Mt. Whitney.
> Say, my big thing now is looking into satellite radios and solar 
> panels for the trail.  The satellite radio in my new Prius has gotten 
> me all excited for the possibilities for the trail.  I think Elevator 
> is the expert on this List for that.  I was thinking of a medium size 
> solar panel array on the back of my pack for charging.  I have to look 
> into this  more, but it would be great if it worked. 
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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