[pct-l] Weather in the Sierras

hiker97 at aol.com hiker97 at aol.com
Sat Jan 16 08:54:09 CST 2010

Switchback the Trail Pirate replies: There is no bad weather, just bad gear.  

-----Original Message-----
From: Reinhold Metzger <reinholdmetzger at cox.net>
To: pct-l at backcountry.net; wb104475 at sbcglobal.net; Hiker97 <hiker97 at aol.com>; Deems <losthiker at sisqtel.net>; MONTE DODGE <montedodge at msn.com>; Stephen <reddirt2 at earthlink.net>; Al Shaver <alshaver2000 at yahoo.com>; Sorensen, Aaron BM1 <Aaron.W.Sorensen at uscg.mil>; Michael Popov <michael.popov at yahoo.com>; Brett Maune <brett.maune at gmail.com>
Sent: Wed, Jan 13, 2010 1:38 pm
Subject: Weather in the Sierras

Wes, You hit the nail right on the head. 
Weather in the Sierra is totally unpredictable. 
It can be hot, cold, sunny, thunder storms or snow any time of the year. 
I stopped predicting or planing for any particular Sierra weather long ago. 
I just go prepared for anything the Sierra can throw at me. 
For example: A few years ago, in August, between Guitar Lake and Whitney my tent collapsed from the weight of wet snow. 
I got soaking wet and had to bail out next morning. 
Almost froze to death, but I had a wet sleeping bag, a collapsed tent, and enough cold weather cloth to survive the night 
I was "NOT" a happy camper that night. 
JMT Reinhold 
The happy camper 
Wes wrote: 
Back around 1978 or 1979, we were camped around 8000 feet in the Sierra and swimming in a lake. Cumulus clouds appeared over the horizon and about 25 minutes later we were in a serious 
hail storm. We exited the lake and made our way to camp for shelter. The ice-filled water covered our 
barefooted feet to the ankles. I did not panic - much - not having a clue about weather in the Sierra, but I do recall screaming at an occupant in our already zipped-up tent something about frostbite. An hour later we were swimming in the lake again on that clear, beautiful July day. 

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