[pct-l] Giant blister

Wes Rose wb104475 at sbcglobal.net
Wed May 12 00:16:52 CDT 2010

Hi Crystal,

At night, follow this procedure and you'll be good to go:

1.  Sterilize a sewing needle with a flame or with rubbing alcohol
2.  pre-thread your needle with 4" cotton thread.  (clean towel or clean garment)
3.  insert needle in and out of blister NEAR THE EDGES. Do not pull thread all the 
     way through blister, but leave a "tail" on either side of blister.
4.  remove thread from the needle, but allow it to remain in blister
5.  trim thread so as to allow approx 1" of thread on either side 
6.  place a clean sock over foot for the evening
7.  do not remove thread until the skin has re-attached

Very bad idea to pop or squeeze blisters.  Best if they are properly drained using the
thread as a wick.  I've used this method successfully for years without ever a problem
with infection.

Best Success!

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