[pct-l] Grizzly Bear(s) around Glacier Peak?

Gary Wright gwtmp01 at mac.com
Thu May 13 22:16:24 CDT 2010

The Forest Service Decision notice regarding the Suiattle River had these interesting tidbits about bear activity:

> Have the potential to disrupt grizzly bear habitat use patterns, but because habitat free from disturbance is abundant in the Bear Management Unit and habitat quality is low in the trail construction area, it is not expected to adversely affect resident grizzly bears (EA pp. 35-36).
> Repair of the PCT would allow the temporary detour on the Wenatchee National Forest to be terminated. This would allow hiker use in the Napeequa valley to drop to pre-flood levels, providing a greater security buffer for the grizzly bear in that area

I head rumors from locals that there were grizzly's in Washington when I hiked there but this is the first 'official' info I've ever seen about it.

Here is the link to the report: <http://www.fs.fed.us/r6/mbs/projects/pct-repair-suiattle-crossing/pct-repair-dn-fonsi.pdf>


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