[pct-l] Deet

Diane Soini of Santa Barbara Hikes diane at santabarbarahikes.com
Sun Apr 17 20:36:40 CDT 2011

Don't bother with chemicals. If you have the infused clothing, great.  
If not, don't sweat it. Ticks are annoying but it's not worth  
stressing over. Yeah, I got a tick two weekends in a row, but I was  
hiking in some really overgrown trail where I was pushing the brush  
aside and sometimes it was scraping my neck, which is probably how  
the ticks got down my shirt. The PCT isn't overgrown like that. The  
worst you'll ever see if brush that scrapes your legs and ticks on  
your pants. Just brush them off. I never saw any ticks on the PCT in  

I went on another adventurous hike this weekend and we pulled into  
our campsite, spread out our tyvek and kicked back in the shade.  
Whenever another tick made his evil little self shown, he was flicked  
off the tyvek. Eventually we had gotten them all. Later we set up our  
tent and before bed we did a little tick inspection. Even after  
bushwacking all morning today, we came home without a tick bite on  
either one of us.


On Apr 16, 2011, at 6:11 PM, pct-l-request at backcountry.net wrote:
> yeh that's what I thought too til yesterday...had four of them up  
> in my pants!
> they will find a way around the deet and permitherin...they're  
> ruthless I'm
> telling u...RUTH LESS!
>> Sugar Moma

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