[pct-l] So. Calif. Desert Water Caches

gwschenk at socal.rr.com gwschenk at socal.rr.com
Wed Jan 12 13:13:01 CST 2011

---- Diane Soini of Santa Barbara Hikes <diane at santabarbarahikes.com> wrote: 
> If you cache your own, someone else will drink it. The trail is  
> littered with water caches, often more than what is commonly noted in  
> the water report, and people just figure it's for them and they drink  
> it. Also, if you are caching water for yourself, you should return to  
> clean up the empties.
> You all are worrying way too much about water in my opinion. The  
> trail can be done without caches. It used to be done without caches.  
> You just have to hike off trail to the springs. Knowing where off- 
> trail water is located is the reason for the water report. It's not  
> just about whether the caches are full. Knowing where off-trail water  
> is located was also a reason why the wordy guide books were so good.

Agree 100%. There are many challenges on the trail, water in SoCal is one of those challenges. It's much more satisfying to meet these challenges on your own terms than to depend on the kindness of strangers.


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