[pct-l] underwear on the trail?

Diane Soini of Santa Barbara Hikes diane at santabarbarahikes.com
Fri Jan 14 19:51:51 CST 2011

On Jan 14, 2011, at 4:46 PM, Kevin Cook wrote:

> I saw someone else post about those injini socks. I want to try some.

Oh yeah, those injinji socks are great. I've had trouble with my  
pinky toes folding under. They don't totally prevent it, but they do  
help. After a while I have found regular socks uncomfortable because  
of all the sweat you get between your toes. The injinji socks wick up  
the sweat. Regular socks leave your toes feeling all slippery next to  
each other. Eww.

They now make thinner liner injinjies. I want to try those some day  
as a liner.


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