[pct-l] John Muir's Birthplace

Diane Soini of Santa Barbara Hikes diane at santabarbarahikes.com
Sat Jan 22 12:32:13 CST 2011

Thank you to all of you who work so hard to preserve places.  
Sometimes I feel such despair that money is the only thing most  
people value.

The only "activism" I do is lead Sierra Club hikes and run a web site  
with local hike information. My hope is that people will come to fear  
the wilderness less if they get out in it more. While I understand  
the "be careful out there" attitude of many people, I try to provide  
a lighter attitude, that it is fun and not complicated to enjoy our  
wild places. My hope is to encourage less fear, more adventure.

On Jan 22, 2011, at 10:00 AM, pct-l-request at backcountry.net wrote:
> When we fought to preserve the Franklin Hills, and Mt. Wanda, we were
> despised by many, especially those who would have made a lot of  
> money had
> the zoning changes been allowed.

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