[pct-l] Annual Trail Skills College at Cascade Locks

Barry Teschlog tokencivilian at yahoo.com
Tue Jan 25 16:56:31 CST 2011

Steel Eye points out a great training opportunity for those who wish to learn 
what it takes to maintain the PCT to a standard befitting a National Scenic 

Those of us volunteers from the greater Seattle area, including the PCTA North 
Cascades Regional Rep, will sure be able to use any folks who are trained in 
what it takes to keep the trail open.  Last year we had a great core group, 
although it was quite small in numbers.  We're losing one of the prime 
volunteers to a thru hike for the upcoming maintenance season, so will need 
several more new volunteers to replace his dedicated efforts and skilled 
wielding of a brush saw.

In particular, this coming maintenance season we'll need folks who can / are:

 - Certified in either cross cut or chain saw bucking to help clear the trail 
from the winter blow down.

 - Have tread construction / reconstruction / drainage training.  Specific 
projects for the upcoming year are in turnpike construction / reconstruction / 
restoration as well as rock check steps.  There is also some slipping / creeping 
tread and a small blown out section that would be nice to address.

 - Are trained to properly brush and scout trail conditions.

 - None of the above, but willing to be safe, have some fun, and learn on the 
job, so to speak.

Hope to see folks there at TSC or later on in the summer out near Snoqualmie 


*It’s time for some good ‘ol dirty fun *

The 3rd Annual Trail Skills College will be at Cascade Locks Marine Park on
April 15,16 and 17, 2011.

The College, which is free to all, will teach you all you ever wanted to
know about building and maintaining trails.  Choose from a variety of
classes from trail tread construction to cross-cut and crew leadership.

Free camping is available for all at the Cascade Locks Marine Park.  Meals
on Friday and Saturday evening will be provided free to all participants.
(Pre-Registration Required)

Learning trail stewardship will enhance your trails experience and lead to
healthier trails throughout the Northwest, we look forward to seeing you
there.  Now, before you get distracted go visit the registration page!

If you are interested in improving your trail skills but can't go to Trail
Skills College in Cascade Locks, check out the trainings offered by the High
Cascade Forest Volunteers on May 13-15 in Westfir, OR, and June 3-5 in
Allingham, OR. Visit www.highcascadesvolunteers.com.

For more information please contact Tammy Turner  via email at
tsceventchair at gmail.com or (503) 490-6494.

Registration: *http://www.pcta.org/trail-skills-college/registration.php*


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