[pct-l] Time off to hike

David Thibault dthibaul07 at gmail.com
Sun Apr 29 17:25:01 CDT 2012

I work for a big corporation.  I take 6 months off every 2 to 3 years for a
long hike  (AT 2007, PCT 2009, CDT 2012 yeah)

I do it by direct depositing the funds I will need from each paycheck into
a special bank account so I will have the money.

I arrange with my employer 6 to 12 months ahead of time that I would like
to take the time off.  I am a valued employee - they know my work.  I
arrange to make sure that when I take off that any projects I am working on
are wrapped up or handed over before I go.  This can sometimes suck - as
before the AT when I was working lots of overtime to do this instead of
training for the hike.  This year I was in the middle of a major project
that I could not wrap up in time so that was a factor in pushing my CDT
hike out till next year.   This project will be wrapping up early next
year.   I let them know if they have an issue they can contact me and I
will get back to them - I let them know it could be up to a week before I
respond.   So far on two thru hikes - I have had one work related email,  a
five minute call days later resolved their questions.  Most people think
you can't do this at large firms but it is really not much different from
employees taking an extended maternity leave  - They deal with this all the

On my past trips the department I work in has actually following my
progress - at the weekly staff meeting they had a map with my last reported
location on it.

I get stopped all the time by people at work asking me.. "the guy that
takes 6 months off to go hiking" how I do it.  I explain that anyone can do
it, i.e. follow any dream they have - but most never really get it  - One
or two have and did what they were interested in (1 a trip to China for 2+
months, another a long trip to Alaska)  every one else just has an excuse
why they can't.  Most people think if you work at a big corp they won't let
you do this.  Really if you do just ask - give lots of notice - explain
this is a life long dream etc.  -- You may be surprised to realize that
everyone has these dreams and can relate (maybe not to a long distance hike
-- but to a dream to do something special)  - only a few actually make them

 If where you work absolutely will not let you go -- Then the solution is
pretty easy too - find a place that will.

 If they say absolutely no!   start looking around.  Eventually you will
find a place that will work out for you.

Day-Late (corporate desk job/thru hiker)

> .
> Just curious as to how people find the time to spend months or even weeks
> hiking the trail.  Do many of you have jobs that allow you to take breaks
> or
> maybe you have seasonal jobs? I write this from my corporate desk job.

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