[pct-l] cracked heels

Janet Grossman janetgr at cableone.net
Thu Apr 23 21:16:44 CDT 2015

I have not had cracks on my heels, but I have used super glue for cracked fingers many times, both on-trail and at home. Never a problem for me, and it works better and faster than anything else, immediately removes the pain. I've also tried Liquid Bandage and similar stuff, but super glue works a lot better.


Message: 6
Date: Wed, 22 Apr 2015 22:59:47 -0700
From: Tim Gustafson<tjg at tgustafson.com>
To: PCT E-Mail List<pct-l at backcountry.net>
Subject: [pct-l] Cracked Heels
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I've got some small cracks on my heels. I was thinking of taping them with
duct tape, and/or sealing them with super glue.  How do other folks deal
with these?  I am pretty sure the tape is a good idea but I'm less certain
about the super glue to close up the existing cracks.  Thoughts?

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