[at-l] Someone to hike with Jerry!

Victor Hoyt vhoyt at comcast.net
Mon Sep 4 16:26:04 CDT 2006

On 9/4/06 2:39 PM, "Kent Gardam" <kent_gardam at yahoo.com> wrote:

> Irma had managed to bake up a batch of oatmeal blueberry cookies during a slow
> period just after lunch.   It never ceased to amaze Charlie how she could
> create those crisp little nuggets of blueberry-dom inside those cookies.
> Everyone else who tried ended up with mushy purple spots in their cookies.  A
> claim to fame, it was a secret skill that Irma would probably take to her
> grave. 

The secret is, they're NOT really blueberries. For indeed, how can
blueberries be crisp?  Sigh. Another legend destroyed, nay, obliterated. But
hey! They were as purple as the prose!

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