[at-l] alrightoe

Steve Landis s.landis at comcast.net
Tue Jun 30 19:34:04 CDT 2009

Felix J wrote:
> So, I had me some guests from 'out of town' this weekend. This was very 
> nice except that they were relentless in their ridicule of me for the 
> clutter in which I live...and, the state of disrepair I leave my 
> property in. So, after their departure I decided to organize a bit. It 
> was an organization borne of spite.  Or, was it spite-born?  Anyway...as 
> I was organizing my clutter I found a need to move a bag of potting 
> soil. So, I pick up this bag of potting soil. I was standing without 
> moving my feet much. I reached to the right and lifted the bag and then 
> leaned to my left to sit the bag on a pallet. My feet were pretty much 
> stationary...with roses. Anyway...as I leaned to my left I heard a pop 
> from my right foot. And, I felt a pop in my right foot. Initially, I 
> thought my right big toe was broken...as if it had exploded. It 
> hurt...BAD! So, I stumbled into the house, cussing all the way. I took 
> my sock and shoe off (not in that order) and looked at my foot. From the 
> base of my big toe over to the second toe, then about 1/3 of the way 
> across the top of my foot, was swollen and black/blue/purple/red. I 
> could move my toe...but, it hurt to do so. So, yesterday I sorta took it 
> easy and only worked about 4 hours and only did light stuff. Today, 
> however, I was involved in loading the gear for a rock-n-roll 
> show...which required some heavy lifting. About the third road case I 
> had to lift, I felt the same pop in the same spot...maybe not quite as 
> intense.  So...my question to you is this:  Does anybody have any idea 
> what the hell is going on??  Both times this has happened, my foot was 
> flat on the ground (more or less). So, it's not like I twisted it or 
> turned it funnily or some such.  Thoughts?

Yeah, don't invite them back.

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