[at-l] Cold. Gonna get colder.

giniajim jplynch at crosslink.net
Sun Jan 10 19:10:50 CST 2010

Sorry Jim O, my two sentence response was all the paper was worth.  I've spent far too much time reading and commenting on that sort of stuff (you ever read the 'Lord Moncton Papers'; give that a try some time).  How so ever, *no one* should "attack" you either publically or privately; its a shame when these discussions, which are at the core very technical, get personal.  
   On another note, trail related, we trail lovers might consider the impacts of climate change on the AT.  Erosion, vegetation cover, water supply, more/less snow.  Is the NPS or ATC thinking about this?  We might want to ask them to start doing so.  

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Jim and_or Ginny Owen 
  To: jplynch at crosslink.net 
  Cc: at-l 
  Sent: Sunday, January 10, 2010 7:56 PM
  Subject: [at-l] Cold. Gonna get colder.

  Jim Lynch wrote: 
  >The paper also contained statements that have little if any relevance and can be 
  >treated as red herrings.  Things that make you say: "so?".

  Well, at least you read it before answering.  
  OTOH, your comment isn't really helpful because you failed to specify which things 
  you don't care about.  What you may not realize is that there's nothing in there that 
  has not been used to try to justify the case for AGW at one time or another.  And the 
  fact is that there's no evidence that proves AGW - none/nada/zilch/zero.  There's only 
  "opinion" that it MUST be true.  But no evidence.  
  Anyway - I've already had one person attack me privately for "ranting" about this.  So 
  I'll repeat this -

  Y'all should be advised that I stated up front that anyone who had a problem should come 
  to one of the Rucks and talk to me about it - that this was NOT the forum for the discussion.  
  Therefore - I WILL NOT accept the responsibility for this mess.  And I won't be nice about it.

  Walk softly,


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