[cdt-l] Backpacker Magazine C.D.T. Project (Skot Phrea)

shegget . shegget at hotmail.com
Thu Sep 13 08:13:50 CDT 2007

Wow, that's a pretty unfair and harsh critique. We did a 60 mile section for 
Backpacker and while there were no good freebies other than a few bags of 
trail mix and some high-def topo maps of our route, we still had a hell of a 
good time. We extended an existing trip just to do the mapping, and got to 
spend 5 more days out in the wilderness and make two new friends, seeing an 
area we wouldn't have visited otherwise. For us, it was an awesome 
Plus, Backpacker did only say that they would *try* to get some free schwag 
to give out. They never promised us anything, and we never expected 
anything. They made it clear that the people on the trips were *volunteers*.

A quick definition of that word from dictionary.com states:

1.	a person who voluntarily offers himself or herself for a service or 
2.	a person who performs a service willingly and without pay.

I'm sorry that you felt lied to, misinformed, had a bad trip leader or 
whatever. But there was no doubt in our minds that we were volunteering from 
the start, and that we were responsible for planning and executing our own 
trip. I do agree that they should have provided you guys with a GPS or two; 
however Scott did offer us one for our trip (we ended up using our own 
instead so they would have more to go around). In my opinion, that's 
probably a failure on your trip leader's part if he didn't get a GPS to use, 
not on Backpacker's.

sean (co-leader of Team35a - "Altitude without Attitude")

(and hey, if this was a blatant troll attempt, well hell... i fell for it :)

>Message: 1
>Date: Wed, 12 Sep 2007 07:53:14 -0500
>From: "Skot Phrea" <skotphrea at hctc.net>
>Subject: [cdt-l] Backpacker Magazine C.D.T. Project
>To: <cdt-l at backcountry.net>
>Message-ID: <001201c7f53b$e2a92540$152daa41 at Hal>
>Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
>Howdy Folks ! Backpacker Magazine did not do anything that they said they 
>would. There was no gear, no G.P.S.units or training, They said that we 
>would get socks , wrong ! All they came through with was 1 bag of trail mix 
>, 1 single serving of peanut butter, and a pack of candy. There was only 
>one set of maps that our team leader received.I do not go into wilderness 
>without my own maps ! ( I could have brought my own if only backpacker or 
>our team leader would have communicated with me ). Our team leader didn't 
>return my calls and had a bad attitude. I had to have a benefit to raise 
>the money to go on this trip as that I have A.I.D.S and am compelled to 
>live on my S.S.I. I feel like a sucker for buying into their lies, One lie 
>backing up another for the entire fiasco. The thing that confuses me most 
>is wondering why they made it sound like we won a contest and in reality we 
>won nothing at all. Why couldn't they have been honest from the start ? Who 
>likes to be lied to ? This
>  whole situation has left me broke, depressed and mistrustful . I bet that 
>Jonathan Dorn makes more in a month than I do in a year. I wonder how he 
>would feel if the tables were turned ? I wouldn't wish H.I.V. on anyone but 
>it would not hurt my feelings if he fell off a mountain on his expensive 
>mountain bike. I am canceling my subscription to their feculent rag and I 
>intend on calling and writing their advertisers informing them of this 
>publications ethical bankruptcy . BACKPACKER MAGAZINE AND MR. DORN, YOU 
>SUCK !!!
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