[Cdt-l] Water Report J. Ley MT65

Matthew Edwards hetchhetchyman at aol.com
Sun Aug 1 20:29:13 CDT 2010

For Nobo's the two creeks on trail after Lima are cattle contaminated. There are probably 500 head of cattle in there! (Yea, fun until the lightning stampedes them.. Then it's extra fun!)
I neglected to filter water there thinking I would get some from the spring at point #2 on J. LeyMT65... Uh think again! The spring, as far as I can tell is dry. I only investigated about 200 vertical feet of the gully below the divide.
The next water I found was in Shineberger Creek. I had a few minute of panic there as after 18 miles without water I found the upper reaches of both creeks to be bone dry. Fear not though as water comes bubbling out of the streambed just after the confluence of the two creeks right where Jonathan has the red star.
Whew! Despite the cattle contamination at Shineberger as well, Crystal Light Pomegranite/Cherry drink never tasted quite so good!
Anyhow just a heads up for my NoBo buddies.. You'll be a lot hapier if you bring some agua out of Lima.

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