[Cdt-l] New CO Mapbook Available from the CDTA

Jon Pierson jon at cdtrail.org
Thu Aug 12 10:58:52 CDT 2010

The CDTA has produced a new map book on the CO section of the CDT which
is available for purchase at


>From lulu.com:


A gps enabled atlas of 88 full-color topographic maps for backpackers
and hikers following The Continental Divide Trail as it winds through
the mountains of Colorado. 1:36,000 scale maps show remarkable detail
yet are smaller and lighter than conventional topo sheets. The trail
data was gathered by hiking the entire route carrying professional grade
gps equipment and is extremely accurate. Includes detailed user gps data
with waypoints for critical turns, trailheads, water sources, and other
notable features. Includes two expanded maps showing the trails for
climbing Mt. Elbert and Mt. Massive. This is the official map set of The
Continental Divide Trail Alliance, a non-profit organization dedicated
to the Trail. All proceeds from this publication go to support the
trail. 130 pages. 17.8 ounces. May be lightened by about 1/3rd by
removing tables and carrying just the maps. 


Cost is $46.75 and eligible for free shipping through the above link.  


The book is also available for download for only $16.50 through the
following link

However, it is probably more cost effective to buy the book, because
you'll go through 3 or more ink cartridges printing the whole thing.

I haven't seen much talk about it on the server, and am curious if
anyone has used it.  I'd love to hear some feedback on people's
experiences with the new guidebook!!

- Jackalope


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