[pct-l] The PCT Golden Spike Monument

dsaufley dsaufley at sprynet.com
Tue Dec 29 23:18:43 CST 2009

Hi, Bill!  Hoping all is well. It's good to know there something there. As
far as I can see, the picture you took matches what is on the PCTA's website
http://www.pcta.org/copper/displayimage.php?album=14&pos=12 as the Golden
Spike, excepting that their image is in or on the earth, rather than mounted
on rock as in your photo. I distinctly remember, but cannot substantiate at
present, that there was some sort of vandalism at the monument and something
was reported taken. Perhaps it was replaced, or what was reported taken once
occupied the vacant spot you mention. 

Regardless, it always seems incredibly odd to me that the monument
commemorating the completion of such an amazing, stupendous, gloriously
beautiful national scenic trail is in Soledad Canyon. It's also odd they had
a "completion" ceremony.  The truth is that the PCT is not truly complete,
and is at risk. Approximately 250 miles of the trail corridor are owned by
landowners other than the managing partners, and have weak or no easements. 

Some people want to hike it all in one season.  I dream of seeing the PCT
completed and protected in my lifetime. It's time to finish what Clarke and
Rogers began.

L-Rod (the Animal Magnet)

The first step. The last step. The most important step: protect the PCT.

-----Original Message-----
From: pct-l-bounces at backcountry.net [mailto:pct-l-bounces at backcountry.net]
On Behalf Of Bill Burge
Sent: Sunday, December 27, 2009 9:41 
Subject: Re: [pct-l] The PCT Golden Spike Monument

Here's the missing pic:



On Dec 27, 2009, at 9:32 PM, Bill Burge wrote:

> I was saddened to hear this.
> But then I decided to go for a hike today, and since I live in the  
> area; I hike north from Soledad Cyn.
> Just after crossing the railroad tracks I found a waist high  
> monument with this on the top:
> Is the missing "Golden Spike" another plaque on the side of the  
> monument?  It looked like something was missing from the side...
> BTW, it was a pretty nice hike today.  I spent a lot of it thinking  
> what it would be like with three times the weight on my back and in  
> May instead of December!  ;-)
> BillB
> On Dec 14, 2009, at 6:26 PM, Deems wrote:
>> I recently read that Switchback the Pirate was seen off and on-trail
>> plundering and searching for the legendary "Treasure of the Golden  
>> Spike." I
>> wish he had found it, for it would now be in good hands. A trail  
>> friend
>> shared with me a photo of the PCT Golden Spike that dedicated the  
>> final
>> trail piece built in 1993. Here, it shines again.
>> http://www.pbase.com/image/120296154 PCT Golden Spike
>> Anyone have more information?
>> Anyone know which mile point it was placed??
>> The PCT was shorter back then, only 2638 miles.
>> ~~
>> Sadly, the Golden Spike monument was stolen/disappeared a few years  
>> ago.
>> L-Rod
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