[pct-l] Testing of Bear Cannisters / URSACK

Scott Bryce sbryce at scottbryce.com
Wed Apr 28 17:28:31 CDT 2010

Matt Thyer wrote:
> The top of the Garcia Bear looks a lot like the bottom of a big
> femur.

It does?

> Now imagine a big bear head resting in the shade of a long needled
> pine tree with a Garcia Bear canister.  It would rest its upper jaw
> on top of the canister and begin gnawing at the wall and top of the
> canister until it created a weak point which it could exploit.

Well, that is nice in theory, but it isn't happening in the field.

I think that in order to test your theory, you would have to build a
number of these canisters and send them out to areas known to be full of
bears, and see if any bears actually get into the canisters. Oh, wait,
that is already happening. And the Garcia canister is approved for use
in the areas in question because bears cannot get into them.

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