[pct-l] Testing of Bear Cannisters / URSACK

AsABat asabat at 4jeffrey.net
Wed Apr 28 18:01:25 CDT 2010

Hey, if you want to design a better bear canister please go for it! (I'd
like 700 cubic inches and less than 1 pound, costing less than $100.) First
step would be contacting the SIBBG to know what you need to get approval.
It's not an easy process, or a cheap one. Fill the canister with tasty food,
smother with peanut butter, and toss in a cage with a bear who is in
captivity because it was very successful stealing food. After all that, you
get conditional approval until the canister proves itself in the wild.

As to failed canisters, every case I've heard of involved improper use of
the canister (except for the Adirondacks). For example, there was a report
that a bear rolled a Garcia down a hill and the lid came off. True, but the
lid was not locked closed! As Homer would say, Doh! BearVault had to
redesign their product when users were not closing the lid properly, so the
lid flexed over the bump instead of under it. If used properly it worked
fine, but some hikers didn't take care to use it properly, so it was

Even a bear box doesn't work if the box is left open while cooking dinner.
There are many cases where a bear cleaned out the bear box while it was left
open, even video on line.


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