[pct-l] Forgot to give you the good stuff!!!!

dicentra dicentragirl at yahoo.com
Tue May 1 20:42:49 CDT 2012

Two good things.  Still kicking myself for forgetting both of them, so please spread the word to the hiker trash that I love so...
And (still kicking myself for forgetting this over KO weekend!!) if you have an iphone, ipad or ipod touch... Book #1 is available to you. (Apple products only, I'm sorry! Not available for the Kindle) Imagine hiking up the trail with my recipes just a touch away! And it's 1/2 the price of the printed book! No book to carry and you are carrying your phone anyway, right?  $7.


AND... I got all y'all 2012 thru hikers a coupon code with Packit Gourmet... http://www.packitgourmet.com    10% of your entire order.   Just enter the code ADZ2012 

They are familiar with thru hikers, so they will ship to wherever you need them to. Awesome peeps. And it ain't no Mountainhouse crap! Their stuff is edible!! 

Spread the word on both!  I can't believe I forgot.  See, this is why I write notes to myself. lol.
Trail love to all,

http://www.onepanwonders.com ~ Backcountry Cooking at its Finest


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