[at-l] NY-NJ-PA photos and diary posted

Victor Hoyt vhoyt at comcast.net
Mon Sep 25 05:24:52 CDT 2006

On 9/24/06 9:43 AM, "Ken Bennett" <bennettk at wfu.edu> wrote:

> The thing that keeps me from carrying either MF or LF gear is the tripod. My
> smallest tripod is still too heavy, since I can't seem to find the cash for
> a carbon fiber job. With a compact digital (or a 35mm rangefinder), I can
> carry one of those tiny tripods for longer exposures, and just rest it on a
> pack or a rock to get some elevation.

Slik has some nice little CF models that would be fine for a compact dslr,
like a Rebel, and they're not too expensive. I bought a Gitzo 1227 years
ago, and put a B1 on it. It's pretty heavy even for a CF tripod. Frankly, I
carry an old Manfrotto 3021 more often.

I haven't used any of the MF kit since I bought the 1DS. Frankly though, the
Pro TL is a bit lighter. I think the best combination of weight, good glass,
and image quality, is still my old Contax G with a couple of lenses. And I
say that having switched to digital for work four years ago.


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